Federico Reyes Heroles
The central motive is desperation. If we were living in times of democratic normality, it would not be necessary. The authorities would pay attention to the reasons, science, and common sense.

They would not feel harassed by criteria differences and would not attack journalists and media. They would not speak of a thousand plots of intrigues that seek to overthrow them. But they propose a reform of the press to “limit infodemic”, that is, an epidemic of information they consider false. They would not blame their irresponsibility on an “unscrupulous commentocracy“. Scruples? For five years, they have been using millions of public funds every morning to impose their truth, reproduced throughout the day in many informative spaces -many threatened by them- closing the discussion of the democratic game. Scruples? When they are the ones who anchor their spokespersons on radio and television. Scruples? However, social networks circulate the image of a huge room where hundreds of people paid by them manipulate thousands of cell phone bots to bias the networks and the citizens’ opinions.

If not in an emergency, we could sleep peacefully, knowing our freedoms are guaranteed. Still, it turns out that they propose extending the unofficial pre-trial detention, a figure condemned in the doctrine, referred to as an exception, as established in the international agreements signed by our country. But how can we sleep peacefully when they also proclaim the need to elect and politicize the appointment of Justices and that with only four of them, they would validate a norm and eliminate the Amparo as a remedy? How to sleep peacefully when on the so-called “Black Friday” -April 28- they approved a dozen reforms without respecting the legislative process, something grotesque. The legislators did not even have time to go through the initiatives. Do we want them to legislate in this way? It is an emergency because power is booty for them, as is evident in the hundreds of assignments of public works contracts directly to ghost companies that, coincidentally, are always linked to relatives or friends. Yes, it is an emergency.

It is because they have handed over hundreds of functions that correspond to civilians to the Armed Forces, which is called militarization. Many are asking themselves, to what extent are they already colluding in the ports, customs, and airports? Emergency, because the clandestine graves are multiplying, because the assassinations of political cadres are only increasing, and because there are areas of the national territory lost or handed over to the narco. Because at a time when everything is mega, now we learn about the “mega laboratories” that operated for a long time without anyone noticing and, suddenly, they are discovered, but there are no arrests. Emergency because the number of deaths due to intentional homicide during this six-year term is already a record, and the President wants to compare them with heart attacks. Because the amount of lies with which we are governed is a systematic mockery. Because insecurity is all over the country, on the highways from the capital to Cuernavaca and Querétaro. Because every day, there are robberies of carriers who cry out their reality and find no response from the authorities. Horrible times because femicides are denied and continue, and because children with cancer first receive help from Nariz roja (Red Nose) rather than from the authorities.

Emergency because the educational apparatus is shattered and no longer has as its mission to form citizens who respect their fellow citizens but to follow the innate wisdom, an ideology. Because from day one, they have made a mockery of science and have committed the worst ecocide in the country. Because every day, in their eagerness not to recognize the energy crisis, they burn fuel oil that sickens the entire population, particularly children and the elderly.

The emergency is beyond right or left; out of desperation, it is time to go – as citizens – to the rally.

Further Reading: