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Fresh Air

Photo: Instantbeauties on Pexels

Federico Reyes Heroles

A stage of our history is coming to an end. The triumph of Morena and its unstoppable spirit of destruction is the detonator.

Image: Numismarty on iStock

A country in which power persecutes journalists and dissidents in front of millions who applaud with their vote is sick. “…Free and with money” is how Ciro’s hitman imagined himself. It is not without logic; impunity is a total of 46 dead. It is the same country that allows the purchase of votes, perhaps consciences, and, in silence, is ashamed and hides its rottenness. The country in which young people wearing purple vests -sometimes smiling- intimidate citizens are the same ones who can quote three influencers with lightning speed, but do not know which are the three Powers of the Union. The country -Morena’s inheritance- contemplates how -from the power- a judge is intimidated and does not even pay attention to the fact.

Photo: on diariodelistmo.com

How not to feel repulsion for politics when the leader of a party born precisely to institutionalize power, accompanied by true accomplices, betrays the essence of an idéal? In the opposite box, the blues are tearing their garments in a lot of bickering, forgetting that this party was born out of the impulse to oppose authoritarian centralization. But where are the basic principles of a liberal democracy? Why have we not been able to overcome the stigma and accept that a Democrat is, by definition, a liberal? It was the Liberal Party that gave birth to the Constitution of 1857. It was the seedbed of the “liberal clubs”, and their predecessors, from which came the anti-monarchical demands against nobility titles in favor of the secular State. From there came the demand for a representative State, with the law as its foundation.

Image: on letraslibres.com

What is unpronounceable in all this? Liberals have been the most important social democratic parties in the world, including Christian democracies. Liberals are those who believe in science; liberals are those who defend the equal rights of human beings, between women and men; those who believe in the division of powers as the bone structure of every democracy; those who defend freedom of expression in all its aspects, those who fight for the due process in the judicial and legislative spheres. Liberal is he who denies dogma but defends principles that mutate with time. Liberal is anyone who knows that rigid ideologies become prisons but also that without doctrine, there is no personal and collective compass.

Image: on amazon.com

A liberal not only respects all forms of life, and the rights of minorities, whatever they may be, but fights for them because, in principle, every minority can become a majority and must govern. He fights so that no one subjugates them; that would be treason. Liberal is not the one who feels empathy, but the one who cultivates it and demands it from himself. A liberal can be a believer… or not; it is part of freedom as the axis of conscience. The liberal knows that individual morality, the close monitoring of one’s own attitudes and actions towards others, is the only source of true authority to which one can aspire. It comes from the congruence between ideas, words, and actions.

Image: Stoatphoto on Shutterstock

Morena has already taken possession of the Executive Branch and a submissive and shameless Legislative Branch. It is now going after the Judiciary with all kinds of lies and deceit, as usual. But there is something even worse: altering the constitutional principle of representation with the same tricks now they intend to grab the qualified majority to modify the Constitution at their whim. That is what they consider a real triumph: to have the apparatus to crush the others, whoever they may be.

Photo: Simon Hurry on Unsplash

But underneath the purple country that the reading of the federal districts shows us is another multicolored country. See mapasyvotos.colmex.mx, a brilliant study by Willibald Sonnleitner. The National Civic Front—with Guadalupe Acosta at its head—has called for the creation of a new party.

It is fresh air for the Republic.

Image: Nednapa on Shutterstock

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