Opinions Worth Sharing

It’s in Sight

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Federico Reyes Heroles

The photograph is on the front page of almost every newspaper. Shoulder to shoulder, swearing in the new president of Morena and the President’s son -without outstanding militancy- now as secretary of organization. They will be central to the political leadership. In the El Financiero edition, Sheinbaum appears below, asking Morenistas to avoid nepotism. In a letter from the President, he demands his correligionists “not to allow the vice of nepotism”. The new party leader, a very close subordinate of Andrés Manuel López Obrador- the “great leader” “ nominated her for this position. Long live caudillismo, reloaded, 2.1! Then came the detail of the son of the meteoric party career.

Screenshot: Reforma.com

How far have they lost the principle of reality, as Marcuse said? In Veracruz, the President is thrown a bottle and shouted dictator. And Andy, as they call him, declares that his mission is to continue his daddy’s legacy. I can’t imagine what would have happened if any former president of the “dark” era -according to the 4T- had proposed their offspring as a lock to their successor. But today, what not so long ago would have been heresy is accepted and applauded. To continue with the legacy, ah. But what is the legacy? El Universal -the same day- informs us that the guarantees for constructing the Interoceanic Corridor were obtained with false signatures and those of some dead people. In other words, is the legacy deceit, fraud, crime, and environmental massacre all to serve the powerful? Big breakthrough.

Screenshot: eluniversal.com.mx

Secretary Buenrostro, from the Ministry of Economy, announces a cumulative foreign investment of more than 170 billion dollars in 2023 and 2024. But, on the same front page of El Economista, it is announced that the peso markets in Chicago plummeted 94% from their peak. Excélsior’sDinero reproduces Buenrostro’s data but dedicates a front-page article to an analysis of the Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector, in which Carlos Hurtado warns of the high uncertainty. El Financiero -also on the front page- publishes the words of Julio Carranza, president of the Association of Mexican Banks, who, in an optimistic tone, bets on dialogue. But he admits that volatility will continue until the secondary laws are known. In other words… the legacy is uncertainty. Enrique Quintana suggests the possibility that some of the appeals filed before the Court will advance and, for this reason, headlines his column “Don’t expect a disaster… but a debacle”.

Screenshot: elfinanciero.com.mx

Taking care of AMLO’s legacy is the main article in Milenio on Monday, the 23rd. Alcalde and Andy draw the path. But, it is not that everything must be consulted?; where are the militants, the bases that approve Alcalde’s and Andy’s plans? Of course, it turns out that this is not necessary; they are already in the leader’s historical footprint. A very concrete legacy, Pemex is the most indebted oil company in the world, with negative equity -it owes 1.6 pesos for every peso it has-. On the same day, El Financiero recalls the six-year losses of 1.2 billion pesos. As a reward for his great successes, its director will be in charge of one of the world’s largest housing developers, representing several points of the GDP.

Screenshot: milenio.com

On the same Monday, Excélsior announces the dismissal of 15 thousand members of the National Guard for having been trained -great original sin- in the Federal Police. Meanwhile, the country burns in Chiapas as well as Sinaloa or Tamaulipas. Cash cut-off: 273-weekend murders and adding up to 200 thousand. Close to the record of 280 in May.

screenshot: excelsior.com.mx

But relax because 81% – of El Universal survey think that Sheinbaum is well prepared; 74% believe that she has the character to govern; and only 47% think that her decisions depend on the President. Excélsior highlights the beginning of the process to elect judges, although the National Electoral Institute board members themselves accept that the legislative gaps are many; it is also unclear about the money. Sheinbaum -in the main article in La, Razón-offers to be up to the task and asks Morena not to be a State party.

Screenshot: razon.com.mx

Calm down: a new Republic is in sight… or it will be something else.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

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