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Federico Reyes Heroles

The mind is very complex. One should assume that AMLO wishes the best for Sheinbaum, even more so after a resounding triumph, wherever you want to look at it. He outlined her as his successor, both politically and in his very personal project. He tucked her in; he sculpted her. Smoothing the way for her would be the normal and desirable thing to do.

Photo: on Digismak.com

There is no doubt that AMLO’s mind has a hemisphere of uncontrollable destruction, which is obligatory for him. This is the only way to start something new, which will be unique and bear his person’s trademark. His idea of transcendence is not based on the accumulation of successes and achievements but on the initial and aimless destruction of the ashes. In Schumpeter’s “creative destruction”, this gives way to the new, it is destruction by innovation. Not in AMLO’s scheme, the evil of all -similar to Attila’s- is not something abominable; it is part of the route to follow. Sheinbaum had no reason to inherit a disaster in the health system. But, because of Obsessive Destruction Syndrome (ODS), she will inherit it. Sheinbaum had no business inheriting an energy sector in a brutal crisis. They have destroyed it. The woman who flaunts her green knowledge participated approvingly. It is not known if she opposed it. Let’s assume that systematic, widespread polarization was a political strategy that worked for them. But what about the gratuitous grievances, for example, with the scientific sector? A shattered education and disregard for the environment are also a legacy. The list of gratuitous grievances is endless.

Photo: Getty Images in collaboration with Unsplash+

From the ODS’s point of view, he still has not finished. If there was one thing that this obsessive mind had taken care of -probably for his own benefit- it was not to threaten macroeconomic stability. But, now, weeks away from a term to be formally respected, the ODS seeks to provoke a crisis of unimaginable dimensions. The “package” of constitutional amendments and secondary laws proposed on February 5 is a bombshell. He knows it. The mere mention of touching the Judiciary and making it part of the partisan machinery has already cost the country much more than what the Price Index of publicly traded companies or the currency’s exchange rate says. That is the surface. The deep distrust is already looming. Sheinbaum will have a very difficult time with it. Capital is already fleeing, and many others are closing the Mexico file. So dramatic and so simple. Financial globalization, which AMLO reluctantly respected for six years, now threatens it. The super peso falls because Mier’s super tongue is the headline of El Economista. But did that little tongue slip through the cracks? Or maybe there is something worse: the ODS includes Sheinbaum.

Photo: Aerogondo on iStock

Inheritance is a complex term, as there are positive and negative inheritances. But can a mind trapped by the ODS inherit without first destroying it? Everything seems to indicate that it cannot. If López Obrador and his parishioners do not work for his successor, if they do not stop planting bombs in her path and, on the contrary, they dynamite at the beginning of the new administration, the inheritance will be cursed. To announce the destruction of the National Electoral Institute (INE) after removing -among many entrenched doubts- this election, is suicidal. To destroy the National Institute of Access to Information (INAI) is to end a citizen’s right in the global world. The ODS is surrounded by suicide, that is why he left the country without medicines, that is why he posed for the photo with El Chapo’s mother, that is why he destroyed the Mayan jungle, that is why he did not attend to the searching mothers, that is why he endorsed, during the covid pandemic, the death of hundreds of thousands, that is why he…

Image: Mesut Zengin on iStock

But we are talking about Mexico’s future, and Sheinbaum has behind her a huge but muddy triumph, which we must respect. Doing away with the proportional representation born almost half a century ago to make this country a more modern democracy is more than suicide; it is a clear demonstration that the only triumph for the one who suffers from ODS is his own.

Photo: Viktor Gladkov on Shutterstock

The king is dead; long live the king (queen) is something that exceeds his self-destructive impulses. Hopefully, Sheinbaum escapes the wake of destruction.

Photo: Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

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