Ricardo Pascoe Pierce
The electoral process risks being derailed by the accumulation of daily illegalities committed by the President of the Republic and Morena.

López Obrador is the one who opened Pandora’s box of imposition and fraud in this 2024 electoral process. Obviously, he does so because he is gnawing at the uncertainty of so many facts, provoked by himself, that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the results. If he believed in his polls and the solidity of his candidate, he would not have become a caged tiger.

His invention of the Technical Coup d’Etat threat is because, in his arrogance and carelessness, he has accumulated enough red and yellow cards by the INE that call into question the results. His conduct has been illegal since before the Morena primaries.

According to law, impartial electoral bodies could disqualify him for his interventionism, his candidate, and his party, even questioning his right to continue participating in the electoral process. However, he has taken it upon himself to remove teeth from the electoral body, precisely to prevent it from disqualifying him, even though he and the office he represents are actively subverting the elections and the contest’s fairness.

He acts with great perversity to destroy the electoral scaffolding, which is the instrument built to ensure power alternation. He knows this, and that is why he wants to destroy it so that there will be no more power alternation in Mexico.

He sees the real possibility that his party will lose the presidential election or an important number of governors, including Mexico City, and will definitely lose control over the Legislative Branch. In essence, he now perceives it as a great possibility, something that he considered impossible a couple of years ago: Morena will seriously retreat from its position as the hegemonic power in Mexico.

While sharp analysts claim that Sheinbaum is intelligently managing her inevitable victory, AMLO obviously sees and thinks otherwise. He perceives an ineffective, leaderless candidacy that does not connect with the people, being essentially unempathetic. He also sees his ability to transfer presidential popularity to an unattractive candidate diminished. All the alarm bells are ringing.

The President reacts with some desperation. First, he becomes Sheinbaum’s campaign coordinator, explains the discursive lines to follow from the mañanera, attacks the opposition, and suggests that people see him as the power behind the throne. Then, he complained that the electoral body flagged his inappropriate and illegal conduct.

At the same time, he turns the Servidores de la Nación into activists and promoters of “Claudia” at public expense. They go around the Republic threatening the recipients of social programs that they will lose them if they vote for the opposition. Marcelo Ebrard has already explained in detail how this blackmail and threat to people with low incomes in the Homeland works.

The President also released the drug traffickers to operate what they know how to do: use territorial terror in favor of the candidates that the same drug traffickers registered through the coalition of parties with Morena. Violence will only increase as June 2 approaches. The language of organized crime is basically that it will kill anyone who interferes with the campaigns of its candidates. This attitude comes with the knowledge and endorsement of the President of the Republic. In fact, it eradicates the right to vote without coercion or intimidation.

In spite of all the above, things have not turned out the way the President wants them to. Now, he is threatening that if the opposition challenges the electoral results, he will release “the tiger” hidden in the chest of every Mexican man and woman. He said this before the Banking Convention.

AMLO believes he has the right to win. And if the electoral process does not turn out that way, he threatens to provoke a national crisis. He wants to terrorize the population into voting for his candidates. The use of force and fear to achieve his objectives confirms that, in its maximum perversity, AMLO operates like the worst mafias outside any democratic dimension.

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