Federico Reyes Heroles
First sketch.
The young ambassador asks us, “Have you ever experienced anything like this? She is referring to the systematic destruction of institutions by those in power. On that very day, the country witnessed the collective funeral of the autonomous institutions and other agencies created as counterweights to the Executive. Back to centralism and opacity. The State as judge and party. The table is divided. If we tolerated Echeverría and López Portillo, nothing scares us anymore. We will get out of this, says the experienced businessman supported by an already very remote past. Another old sea dog adds: besides, she is already (Sheinbaum) meeting with business people. Little by little, she will turn the corner. But the former PAN senator adds skeptically: This is very different. Fifty or forty years ago, in the opposition, we hoped to be heard and win spaces. The facts proved us right: party deputies, opening in 1977, plurinominal deputies, independence of the Electoral Institute (INE-IFE). Everything was stumbling, including our victories, municipalities, governorships, the Presidency of the Republic, and access to information. Slowly, but the course was the right one. Now, they do not listen to anyone, and all their actions carry the burden of centralization and democratic destruction. It is not the same, not at all,” he said, accentuating his statement. We are back to a country of one man, hidden in the shroud but pulling the strings. The replacement of the Human Rights Commission (CNDH)is the best proof. They have already destroyed everything, including the Supreme Court. If we relativize, he told his friend affectionately, we will never understand the gravity of the situation.

Second sketch.
It makes no sense, says the solid economist and public servant of long trajectory. He refers to the economic package, a subject he knows much about. It is unsustainable, according to them we will grow at 2.5%. With this, there would be a higher tax collection. However, in order to grow, public and private investment is needed at levels that do not appear anywhere. Private investment is fundamental; it is the detonator of everything, and without it, there is no progress. Instead of providing certainty, they seem to be determined to demolish it. However, their clientelistic expenses remain the same. They do not know how much we will grow, but pensions for women have already been announced. The budget of the Ministry of Education has been increased a little, but it is for student scholarships. Health and security (70 billion pesos) are being taken away, infrastructure is not even mentioned, but Dos Bocas is once again being given 136 billion pesos. Pemex and the Federal Electricity Commission have returned to the protection of the State and are no longer “productive companies” that should be accountable. Pemex is drowning Mexico (see El Fardo, Carlos Elizondo Mayer Serra, Reforma, 11/24/24). Furthermore, in their infinite arrogance, they do not read international messages and make fun of the rating agencies. Pride is a poison. They despise the world and our own history. It is difficult for this to have a good end.

Third sketch.
Well, there are also positive things; let’s not leave with this taste in our mouths, prompts the moderator. Yes, the creation of a new political option, the possible transformation of the Civic Front into a party. The Pink Tide showed a social energy that can be qualified. Let us not forget that the opposition obtained 42% in Deputies; let us not fall into the fallacy that it was crushed. Around the new movement, there are very valuable people -sympathizers and members of the organization- Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, I say, and several nods, Emilio Álvarez Icaza, Gustavo Madero, Beatriz Pagés, Leonardo Valdés, Cecilia Soto and many more. There is a grassroots structure that has shown its potency. This citizenry deserves better channels than the PAN, PRI, and MC. The perverse overrepresentation should not deceive us. There are Willibald Sonnleitner’s studies: underneath the federal districts is a mosaic of a country with six colors. There is a citizenry that still has democratic reflexes.

This is just the beginning; these are mere sketches.

Further Reading: