Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing


Image: Snorkulencija-on-iStock

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

Squandering is the adjective that comes to mind in any conversation when talking about the misnamed Revocation of Mandate. It is not even a revocation anymore. It is, instead, a ratification exercise where the only one competing is AMLO against AMLO. That is, against himself. Isn’t it absurd?


But the most alarming thing is the squandering of public resources by the federal government to promote the image of the President. Squandering is an exercise of authoritarianism. Never, as far as I remember, has the law been violated in such a systemic way as López Obrador and his party are doing today.

Ya promueven revocación de mandato de AMLO con espectaculares y bardas en 10 estados; oposición alista queja.

Squandering is also an exercise in corruption. It is the illegal use of resources coming from all citizens’ taxes because the law forbids this misuse. Therefore, the Secretary of the Treasury is the first person implicated in the commission of the crime.

Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

Corruption is the hallmark of López Obrador’s “alternative” government. The ratification of the President takes place in the context of the most corrupt exercise in Mexico’s recent history. Never before have so many billboards been seen all over the country, the cost of which is incalculable. Billions, so that people will vote for him? Nothing but for him, without competitors. What is so democratic about this exercise? Nothing.

Photo: on Twitter

Along with the display of billboards, we observe thousands of public officials promoting the ratification of the President, having exchanged their government vests for Morena’s vests. They walk around the streets and avenues all over the country, pasting the same poster with López Obrador’s face and calling to vote for him. Him, and nothing else.

Ciudadanos que apoyan al presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, recaban firmas para la ratificación de su mandato.
Photo: Moisés Pablo (Cuartoscuro) on El País

The wastefulness is an act of deep contempt for the citizenry. Besides being Morena’s style of acting, this contempt is also the hallmark of that house. The government and its party do not care that their acts of abuse and corruption are in plain sight for everyone to see. How can they justify the squandering of billions of pesos with no vouchers, no explanations, or requirements? Only because the President and his Treasury Secretary conceive the public treasury as an input of their property. This is the only possible explanation given the public and visual evidence of this level of corruption in the use of public resources and disregard for the opinion of the citizens.

Photo: Edwin Hernández El Universal

Squandering has totally perverted the recall/ratification exercise. It has turned the vote into a museum of 4T corruptness.

Photo: Rawpixel on iStock

The waste also serves as a disproof of everything the President said before bankers about the favorable conditions for investment in the country, starting with the respect for the rule of law. There they were, complacent, the Governor of Banxico and the Secretary of the Treasury, both passive instruments of the detour of public resources at will and informers to the President of the confidential decisions of the once-respected Central Bank of Mexico. Do you think the bankers assume that this trio will respect their investments? Of course not. So much so that they have sat down with government officials to make spectacular investment plans during the last four years and have never delivered. Do you know why?

Photo: Banco de México

Simple. Because they do not trust the President’s word.

Photo: Alexas Photos on Pexels

Squandering represents authoritarianism, corruption, contempt, perversion, and denial of everything this government says.

Image: Tupungato on iStock

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