
Image: Louis Reed on UnsplashAntonio NavalónOne of the significant advantages that the 4T will have had, but above all, the unique and particular vision of President López Obrador is that from beginning to end, he sustained and put into...


Antonio NavalónFrom North to South and East to West, it is convenient to define the moment in which the so-called democratic universe decided to sacrifice the spirit and the letter of its laws in exchange for the popularity and...


Photo: Photomaster on ShutterstockFederico Reyes HerolesIt is not true; it is false that if you do not work, then you cannot have a good standard of living. That is the discourse of the past. Here, the government, the Mexican...


Graph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comThe World's largest Sovereign Wealth FundsGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comGraph: on visualcapitalist.comFurther Reading:


Image: on is much talk about populism, democracy, conservatives, neoliberals, progressives, independents, no labels, republicans, autocrats, libertarians, authoritarians, totalitarians, infallible Iman, anarchists, supreme leaders, tyranny, and many other schisms. Monarchical regimes are fading away and constrained in their...