Photo: Cindy Creighton on ShutterstockFederico Reyes HerolesWe know they lie to us. They know we know they are lying to us, and… they keep on lying.How far can it go? It is difficult to say. It appears in the...
Image and data: on visualcapitalist.comPolarization around the world is increasingly present, in some cases even concerning. Politics in some countries are moved by protesting angry citizens fed up with the incompetence of their leaders. Extremists have a fertile ground...
Image: on visualcapitalist.comImage: on visualcapitalist.comU.S. InflationGraphs: on bls.govImage: on nytimes.comTo read the whole document, the controls for turning pages and zooming in or out are at the bottom left corner above.Image: on ourworldindata.orgFurther Reading:
Israel-Hamas, Ukraine-Russia, and China: John Mearsheimer on why the US is in serious trouble! for Independent Studies The Middle East crisis will have severe repercussions for Israel, its neighbors, and U.S. foreign policy. Israel's response to Hamas's attacks is expected to continue to provoke anger across the Middle East, potentially fueling jihadist...
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio on PexelsAntonio NavalónIf When the Berlin Wall fell, the book that best reflected this episode of history was Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man". After the Hamas attack on Israel that began...
Image: Honey Yanibel Minaya Cruz on UnsplashRicardo Pascoe PierceThe United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting was held last week in an atmosphere of global realignments. The leaders' speeches (3 women among men) from multiple countries expressed opinions on common...