Photo: Marlon Trottmann on PexelsAntonio NavalónThe North American Leaders' Summit, held on January 9 and 10, not only marked the beginning of the year in a truly shocking way in terms of politics, economics, forms, and what may or...
Visual CapitalistVisualizing the $100 Trillion Global Economy in One ChartSurpassing the $100 trillion mark is a new milestone for global economic output.We’ve covered this topic in the past when the world’s GDP was $88 trillion (2020) and then $94 Trillion (2021), and now...
Photo: Jgroup on iStockAntonio Navalón"There are two infinite things; the Universe and human stupidity, and about the Universe, I am not sure" - Albert Einstein.When I want to get conspiratorial, I think that the best way out of the...