Photo: GOCMEN on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceMost Americans have not seen the Narcos series, but the political class of both parties in their country has confirmed their conviction that Mexico is a country where crime reigns. In the U.S. perception,...
Photo: on mastersportal.comAntonio NavalónLast Tuesday, February 7, the constitutional President of the United States of America gave his second State of the Union address. With Joe Biden, something very peculiar happens; it is evident that, either because of the...
Image: on nicaraguaactual.tvRicardo Pascoe PierceWith his aspiration to be the leader of the Latin America left dead, AMLO resigns himself to being the godfather of dictatorships: Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Today he parades with the Cuban President, exalting a...
Photo: on wikipedia.orgRicardo Pascoe PierceLópez Obrador's government applies a foreign policy full of empty rhetoric and cover-up hypocrisy. Examples abound and are also surprising. And, when discovered, they undermine and degrade Mexico's credibility in the eyes of friends and...
Image: Abel Quezada on PinterestAntonio Navalón. 2023 will be a more exciting year than it seems, not only because of what has already happened up to this point and with the preamble of the North...
Photo: on wikipedia.orgRicardo Pascoe PierceThe recently inaugurated Lula Da Silva government in Brazil is facing the effects of the most pernicious and negative policy of Jair Bolsonaro, his predecessor in the Presidency of his country: the militarization of public...