Opinions Worth Sharing

The citizenry won!

Image: Hasanov Jeyhun on Shutterstock

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

When writing this text, there is still no clarity regarding the winning and losing candidates in the electoral race. What can be perceived from the first figures provided by the PREP is that Mexico is facing a government divided down the middle. There will undoubtedly be winners and losers. However, the defining trend is that political forces are divided into almost two equal parts. This is how the President and those who win their respective states will have to govern. And the Federal Congress will have to become, once again, a place of conciliation and agreement and no longer a place of imposition in the style of “not changing a single comma.”

Image: Design Rage on Shutterstock

This “result is the product of the most relevant political phenomenon of the 2024 electoral process. Citizen mobilization has represented an explosion of interest in “the public issue” as never before in Mexico. From the youngest, even those not old enough to vote, to the elderly who were used to watching political events from afar, now everyone gets involved not only in the discussion and debate of politics but also goes out to vote in numbers not seen in recent electoral processes.

Photo: Anya Juarez Tenorio on Pexels

The political phenomenon of the mobilization of millions of citizens, most clearly expressed by the so-called Pink Tide, although not only for this reason, drove a new social mood in Mexican society. Sectors traditionally distanced from politics or even simply apathetic became alert and began to act in their social groups. They opened new discussions and debates about the priorities of a nation and its prospects for the future.

Image: Shared on WhatsApp

This new social mood had the advantage of having a call based on causes, not ideological agendas. The cause of the defense of democracy, freedoms, the autonomy of INE, the defense of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and its independence from the Executive Branch, the respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, and the demand for the respect of the free vote are the causes of the citizenship. These causes unite the citizenry, which may agree with the leftists or the political centers, and the diverse currents of thought of the rightists.

Image: on mexiconewsdaily.com

In a certain way, we can speak of a citizen modernity that surpasses the old partisan political structures, whose firmament was based on the ideological approaches that distinguished them but also made them fierce opponents in the political arena, hence their traditional electoral confrontations.

Photo: Engin Akyurt on Unsplash

However, the force of that “modernity” of the tremendous social dynamics that drove the citizenry with its thousands of small or large organizations created to express their confluences is what forced the parties of the PRD (leftists), PRI (nationalist center) and PAN (center-right) to unite in that modern fraternity where the causes that united the movement had a greater centrality, instead of the ideologies that tended to divide the forces and energies of the broad citizenry in action.

Photo: Kraken images on Unsplash

It is a force that will be implanted in the national task. This civic imprint is not going to disappear. Perhaps it will consolidate and expand, but it is a force of opinion and electoral power that will not disappear, leaving politics and the parties to return to their “business as usual” life.” There will be no more of that.

Photo: BlackSalmon on iStock

The organized citizenry will become organically existing, a force of opinion, and a criteria to be taken into account when proposing legislative measures or implementing public policies.

Image: Chinnapong on iStock

I do not think it will become another political party. The new modernity will demand something more linked to causes and less to ideologies and their historical currents. For the time being, they were a central factor in the electoral results in the Mexican 2024.

Image: AI-Generated using Shutterstock

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