Federico Reyes Heroles
What would be the right word? To say that they lie is superficial. In this way, they evade reality and deceive. Trump did not extend the tariff deadline because of our President’s meritorious call. Let’s not be naive; the internal pressures were enormous. It is also a lie to say that the capos were sent because of the threat that the “judges” would release them. There is no proof of this; in fact, all 29 were in prison. Those who have not been persecuted are missing, those of the narco-state. But, in addition to the lie, there is a serious moral degradation.

Hundreds of thousands of women marched across the country with precise demands: security, equal opportunities, and an end to impunity. According to data from Inegi, 41% of women over the age of 15 have experienced at least one case of violence in their lives, which is shameful; 43.7% feel unsafe in their neighborhoods; 68% on public transport and 78% at ATMs. In their jobs, 27.4% and 18.5%… at home. This fear is underestimated, as the violence officially registered as “large scale” – from 0 to 17 years of age – in 2022 was the result of the most recurrent crimes: family violence, more than 22,000; sexual abuse, more than 16,500 and 8,500 rapes. Uncles – the worst; cousins, second place; brothers, third place, above stepfathers; also neighbors, fathers, 5.2% and… grandparents, 3.6%. But in their rhetoric, the Mexican family is united and exemplary. There is unbridled machismo, which mothers often encourage in the home. That same year, there were almost a thousand feminicides, including 139 girls.

In the current government’s four months in office, around 38,000 women have been the victims of serious crimes: femicide, kidnapping, extortion, or domestic violence. The daily average is 315 women victims of some crime, 13 every hour. Rape and similar crimes between October and January registered 6,583 cases, 54 a day or two an hour. According to the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), the trend is upwards. Child corruption increased by 27.7%, as did extortion of minors. What is this? Let us take it as true that intentional homicide is decreasing, but the scenario for women is worsening. It is well known that the gender perspective is advancing among judges, that the incorporation of women in different activities is also advancing, and that the so-called “affirmative actions” are working.

It is said that in politics, love is shown in the budget. The creation of the Secretariat for Women is an excellent initiative. It will be able to articulate dispersed actions, which is good. Its budget is just over 2 billion pesos. The Mayan Train lost 3.5 billion in one year and received a subsidy of 12 billion. Mexicana Airlines consumed public funds worth 4 billion and is planning to buy airplanes for 21 billion pesos. For the trains, 157 billion pesos are to be invested this year. However, no budget for the new Child Development Centers (Cendis) version has been allocated. We are drowning in violence, but the budget allocated to security and justice represents 2% of GDP. In the first month of 2025 alone, the financial cost of the public debt grew by 41%, or 103.5 billion pesos, almost 2 billion pesos a day, the same as the annual budget of the Ministry of Women. And where does the debt come from? The burial of the New Mexico City Airport (NAIM), 332 billion pesos; Segalmex, 15 billion pesos; Dos Bocas, 360 billion pesos; the Mayan Train 500 billion pesos. But a 26% increase in disappearances of young people.

Over the weekend, 207 homicides were reported. There have been more than 12,000 so far this term of office. The President launches a decalogue in response to the 8M march. First point: 24 women’s anniversaries, the Women’s Room in the National Palace, etcetera. How can there not be fury in the streets? She calls for celebration, which is not to her credit. What are we celebrating? The macabre discovery in Teuchitlán, Jalisco, 200 dead?

Why not get to the heart of the matter? A couple of examples: ending school dropout rates among girls and young women. That really does cancel out any future for them. Teenage pregnancy among girls under 19 is a factory producing unstable homes, 400,000 a year, a thousand births a day.

It’s inhuman.

Further Reading: