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To the Zócalo!

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Liebano Sáenz

The democratic normality achieved since the 1997 elections is threatened by two factors: the partiality of the authorities, headed by President Lopez Obrador, and the dominance of organized crime in large territories of the country.

Photo: Dan Galvani Sommavilla on Pexels

The Constitution clearly states that all authorities are required to remain outside the electoral process, which is fundamental for the fairness of the contest. This has not been the case, and for some time now, the National Palace has assumed a position that is not only partial but also protagonist, which has had pernicious effects on the process underway towards June 2.

Photo: Archivo General de la Nación on wikipedia.org

The democratic regression is not an interpretation; it is not a rhetorical resource typical of campaigns. Ending with democracy is part of the project of regime change expressed in a presidential initiative of constitutional reform that implies destroying the Republican regime of division of powers, legality, fair and impartial elections, and political representation of plurality.

Photo: Ian Dyball on iStock

The elimination of autonomous constitutional bodies affects the certainty of rights, the concurrence of individuals in the economy, fair competition, transparency, and accountability. It also implies militarizing public life and assigning public security to the armed forces, which should be in charge of civilian commanders.

Image: Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

The pink tide has consistently defended the institutions of democracy. INE, the Supreme Court, and liberties. Its base is citizens because those participating do so based on that condition and not because of affinities or partisan affiliations. It is political because the mobilization seeks to stop the anti-democratic onslaught. In its last phase, it is inevitably electoral because winning the game against the authoritarian project takes place at the ballot box, bringing to power those who subscribe to and make their own the citizens’ demand for an effective democracy that enforces the right to life, truth, and freedom.

Image: Kachura Oleg on iStock

Going to the Zócalo this Sunday, May 19, and to the rallies in other parts of the country is an event prior to what is fundamental: to vote for the candidates who make the will of the citizens a mandate to enforce liberties and consolidate democracy.

Image: Ljupco on Stock

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