Opinions Worth Sharing

Tribute to Ifigenia Martínez Hernández

Image: on politica.expansion.mx

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

Professor Ifigenia Martinez Hernandez passed away three days after participating as President of the H Congress of the Union in the inauguration of the now President Sheinbaum. She prepared a speech for a memorable historical moment, which she could not read due to her delicate health. The speech, reproduced in its entirety below, marks and points out clues about Mexico’s past, present, and desirable future, according to Ifigenia. It is the vision of a woman who was always true to herself, her ethics, and her convictions about justice and democracy.

Photo: on X.com

Ifigenia’s speech contains a double portrait. It portrays the plural, democratic, and dialoguing Mexico to which she aspires and recommends. But it also portrays, with no other intention, the author of the text: Ifigenia, the economist, professor, Head of the National School of Economics, senator, and congresswoman, the tireless fighter for a better Mexico.

Image: on excelsior.com.mx

The speech defines what Ifigenia asks of us and future generations.

Below is the speech that Congresswoman Ifigenia Martinez was going to read before the Congress of the Union:

Screenshot: Hector Guerrero on elpais.com

“Today we find ourselves here, in this solemn precinct of Mexican democracy, as witnesses of a moment that marks a before and after in our history: the swearing in of Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo as the first woman President of Mexico.

“Her arrival to the Presidency is the culmination of a struggle that we have gone through with generations of women who bravely defied the limits of our times. Today, with her, we have all arrived and opened the way to a new era.

“I, who have fought many battles for democracy and justice, feel deeply honored to witness this historic triumph. In 1988, I was part of the Democratic Leftist Current in Mexico, a struggle that, together with many others, began with the firm conviction that true change was possible.

“Today, those convictions have borne fruit. Not only do we have a president, but we can also see a present where women can participate on equal terms in constructing possible and desirable futures for our country. Being part of this historic transmission of the Executive Branch and handing over the Presidential Sash to the first female President is one of the greatest honors of my life.

“I deeply appreciate the trust of my fellow legislators to perform this symbolic act, which represents a turning point in history and a triumph of our values: equality, justice, and democracy. Today, women and men are ready to continue building the country we dream of—that of a free and egalitarian Mexico.

“A country where female leadership will cease to be the exception and become the norm.

“From this sovereignty, we tell you that you are not alone. That the struggle for justice and equality belongs to all of us. And that we will not rest until we achieve a full democracy where there is no distinction of gender, class, or condition. Our differences will not divide us but will be the source of proposals and shared solutions to our different challenges.

“Today, more than ever, we need to build bridges between all political forces, dialogue about our divergences, and build a fairer and more united country.

“It is time to be high-minded.
It is time to build new horizons and realities. It is time for women.

“Let us continue to leave our mark.

San Lazaro Legislative Palace, October 1, 2024.

Image: on politica.expansion.mx

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