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AMLO and his Feast of Denial.

Photo: gob.mx.presidencia

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

While Mexico becomes a cemetery, AMLO, in psychopathic denial, offers a peace plan for Ukraine and Russia. In the face of intentional homicides resulting from drug trafficking and deaths by COVID-19, including those due to excess mortality, gender violence and femicides, missing persons, and systematic aggressions against the independent press and journalists as a guild, there can only be one conclusion.

Mexico is morally precluded from proposing peace plans to other countries without first putting its own house in order.

Our data are terrifying. One hundred thirty-three thousand six hundred seventy deaths due to intentional homicides so far this presidential term, without having concluded the fourth year. It far exceeds Calderon’s six years and will soon surpass Peña Nieto’s intentional homicides. And there are still two years and months to go before López Obrador’s massacre. It is clear that with the mega militarization offered by Lopez Obrador, although without a strategy and bowed to organized crime, the only future we can expect is more deaths and more violence.

Photo: elblogdelnarco.net

Deaths from COVID-19 have reached 329,868 people since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020. But we must add the excess mortality recorded by the government for COVID-19, which adds another 169,351. This makes a total of 499,219. Half a million deaths by COVID-19 are the product of the failed official public policy that combines a mixture of voodoo, absurd acts of faith, and denial of science.

Photo: UN on Unsplash

In the Lopez Obrador administration, gender violence has increased drastically yearly compared to previous administrations. In 2019 it increased by 29% compared to 2018; in 2020, it went up another 25%; in 2021, it also increased by 13%, and so far, in 2022, it has grown by 6%. There is no year of this administration in which gender violence has not grown as a reflection of the social, emotional, and economic conditions generated by a deepening economic crisis, with no relief in sight. Along with the increase in gender violence, femicides have systematically increased year after year. Among other factors, AMLO’s budget cuts to gender policies have promoted a historic setback in this area.

Photo: Kat Smith

Disappeared persons continue to grow in the country. So far, during López Obrador’s six-year term, 33,935 people have disappeared, and the number continues to increase as the days go by. The distress of people searching for their missing relatives or acquaintances has provoked the appearance of organizations in practically all the states of the Republic trying to locate the victims. There have even been reports of relevant cases of state or extra-state actors who have resorted to the murder of those searching for their missing persons.

Screenshot: on Netflix posted on vogue.mx

Although there are no official data, journalistic reports speak of the discovery of mass graves containing foreign migrants as they attempt to cross the national territory to reach the northern border. This figure should also include Mexican migrants forced to leave their hometowns, either out of economic desperation or because of the impact of criminal groups on their communities.

Photo: Pulso de San Luis Potosí

During López Obrador’s six-year term, 37 journalists were murdered. The current year of 2022 is proving to be the deadliest for Mexican journalists. This is happening in the administration of a President who has turned the independent press and journalists into the object of his daily attacks, abusing the use of the morning news to launch attacks and insults against his critics daily. He accuses his critics of being racist and classist, therefore deserving social repudiation.

Photo: Andre Hunter on Unsplash

The manipulation of Julian Assange’s image on September 15 for being a critical journalist shows López Obrador’s hypocrisy and pettiness. It reveals him as a meddler who uses anyone to enhance his own image.

Image: Brankospejs on iStock

When AMLO shouted on September 15, “Death to classism. Die to racism, ” he ordered his followers to continue fomenting polarization and violence. He used the tirade to continue stoking the confrontation between Mexicans and promote his politics of division. He confesses with his rant that his ideal would be to kill the opposition, virtually or literally.

Image: Wildpixel on iStock

He does not seek to unite the country. He is convinced that division and hatred suit his political and electoral objectives.

Image: Wildpixel on iStock

Faced with the scenario of a country engulfed in violence and bitterness, the President continues his delirium by pretending to summon two countries at war to dialogue and conciliation. President López Obrador has no moral authority to make such a call without putting his own country in order. Especially since López Obrador’s pacifist call is given in the context of his policy of militarizing the country, trampling on the Constitution that governs the Nation and making it a dead letter.

Photo: Beekeepx on iStock

AMLO does not dare to recognize the reality of Mexico because he is responsible for the situation. He tries to blame others, but it no longer works because he has been governing for four years. There is little left to do as a political resource because the country is worse today than when he came to power. And he fears popular judgment. Since he does not know how to solve the national problems, he has the last resort left: to govern from denial.

Photo: Andranik Hakobyan on iStock

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