
Technological Change in Graphs.

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Turning Natural Gas into LNG

Image: YouTube global demand for natural gas grows, companies use advanced technology to transport it from source to customer. Gas can be piped over relatively short distances. But cooling...


50 Examples of Corporations that Failed to Innovate

VALUER+A lot of companies that experience innovationsuccess, grab onto it and believe that it’s theirsecret to everlasting success. This mindsetputs any company at risk of failure but refusingto evolve...


The End of Intelligence

Photo: iLexx on iStock Juan VilloroOn December 11, 2020, James Flynn, a philosopher, and psychologist who studied human intelligence evolution, died. Decisive statistics on brain performance are owed to...


The Neobiological Revolution Metcalfe is a chocolatier, co-founder of Wired Magazine, and CEO and Editor in Chief of NEO.LIFE, a media company that tracks the astonishing advances in human biology that will drive the next...