Luis Rubio
Nothing is more important for the development of a country than education. In fact, some of the nations that succeeded in breaking away from underdevelopment the fastest were precisely those that turned education into a vehicle to transform their countries in an integral manner. Instead of exploiting natural resources, they turned their main asset, their population, into their most important resource. This explains the development of Korea and Taiwan, Singapore and China, nations that, through an educational system of exceptional quality and with an eye towards the future of the students, have been getting closer and closer to the level of development and well-being of such paragons of civilization, as Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

This year, I looked for quotes and anecdotes about education to celebrate the holidays.

The truth is […] that I have never read any story…. Unfortunate that I am, married and do not know the first letter of the alphabet! Well, by my faith, I can’t read. I don’t even think […], because I don’t know how to read or write, since I know how to sign. Letters […], I have few, because I don’t know the alphabet.

Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet

Aristotle, c 330 bc
There is an enormous difference between knowledge and education

John Ruskin, 1853
It is as impossible to withhold education from the receptive mind as it is impossible to force it upon the unreasoning.

Agnes Repplier, 1931
That obtained in youth may endure like characters engraved in stones

Ibn Gabirol, c 1040
Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends

Benjamin Disraeli, 1874
Our public powers are now organized: freedom and equality exist under the all-powerful guard of the law; property has regained its true foundations; and yet the constitution would seem incomplete if we did not add, at last, public education. No doubt, we have the right to call this a power, since it encompasses a distinct order of functions that relentlessly improves the body politic and our general prosperity.

Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand, 1791
A good education is not so much one which prepares a man to succeed in the world as one which enables him to sustain failure.

Barnard Iddings Bell, 1950
A college degree is a social certificate, not a proof of competence

Elbert Hubbard, 1911
To teach is to learn twice over

Joseph Joubert S, c 1805
To deny education to any people is one of the greatest crimes against human nature. It is to deny them the means of freedom and the rightful pursuit of happiness and to defeat the very end of their being.

Frederick Douglas, 1894
Much of education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often, we are giving our young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.

John W. Gardner, 1963
The schools we go to are reflections of the society that created them. Nobody is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help you set free.

Assata Shakur, 1987
How much reading those speeches of Gracchus helped me, there’s no need for me to say, since you would know best of all –you’re the one who encouraged me to read them, with that so learned brain and that so kind nature of yours. But just so your books shouldn’t come back to you all by themselves with nobody to keep company, I’ve sent this little nothing book along with it. Be well, my sweetest teacher and most loving friend; I will owe you whatever I’ll ever know of letters. I’m not such an ingrate that I don’t understand what you’ve given me, when you’ve shown me your own notebooks, and when you don’t stop leading me down the trail of truth every day and “opening my eyes,” as people say. I love you as you deserve to be loved.

Marcus Aurelius to Marcus Cornelius Fronto, c 152
Mexico is penultimate in mathematics; Japan ranks first according to the PISA test.

Mexico will no longer be part of the 2021 edition of PISA, thereby losing the most detailed source of information on the knowledge and skills achieved by Mexican students.

The discussion that took place in the middle of this year regarding the new textbooks is transcendental because it contrasts, in a brutal way, with what has been experienced in the nations that have seen their economies grow the fastest. The key to education ends up being the reflection of the conception that characterizes the ruling class of each nation, and that is reflected in their priorities and budgets. When the objective is prosperity, education takes on the function of transforming the students’ capacities; when the objective is control of the people’s minds, education ends up being a mere instrument of submission.

Morena gets its votes from the most ignorant people. The more illiteracy, the more support for Morena

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
It’s the educated barbarian who is the worst; he knows what to destroy

Helen MacInnes, 1963
Further Reading: