Rebuilding After Defeats: Lessons for Democrats and Mexican Opposition

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce
The US Democratic Party and the opposition in Mexico face the same challenge: What to do after electoral defeat? How can they rebuild to win again in the future? Both candidates, parties, and social movements in both countries lost.

The route back to power is an arduous one of self-criticism.

What they have in common is that they both lost miserably and were overwhelmed by the votes. Although under different legal and legitimate conditions, the winning candidates did so by a wide margin and gained control of both Houses of their respective Congresses. Therefore, in both countries, powerful federal governments are headed by those who claim to represent a profound change in the governing style. The strong came to power, and the weak were expelled. Some lost because they were corrupt, and others because they were conservative, they say.

Both countries entered the era of harsh labels to disqualify and despise those who lost the election, with every intention of preventing their return to power.

Kamala Harris is drawing up a proposal to create a movement of her own, called Pioneer49, after the nickname given to her by the Secret Service (Pioneer) and because she was the 49th Vice-President of the United States.

According to sources close to her, she has three open options. First, to run for governor of California, a state of which she was already Attorney General. Second, she may run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in four years. Finally, she is considering the possibility of a more discreet activity, running to lead the Democratic Party.

For their part, the Democrats are analyzing their weaknesses and scrutinizing the reasons for such a heavy defeat at the hands of Donald Trump. They lost black and Latino votes significantly. One survey suggested that the party had turned to the banners of rather marginal causes, such as the so-called “woke” issues (feminism, LGBTI), and are seen as obsessed with elites in the abstract and playing with images of success that do not correspond to them. Even the issue of abortion did not have the electoral traction they had hoped for.

They have a lot of work to do because the Republican juggernaut is advancing like a Sherman tank through the desert. Democrats are starting to move towards some traditionally Republican positions to be part of the “political center” or the “mainstream.”

In Mexico, things are also happening in the opposition. Xóchitl Gálvez’s candidacy lost its appeal. She obtained fewer votes than those who voted for the deputies and senators of her allied parties. She was also unable to construct a national narrative that would touch the essential interests of Mexicans. Many did not identify with her way of projecting herself. Although she has said that she wants to form a new party, so far, it is not known for sure what her proposal is.

The PAN, PRI, and PRD parties are going through dark times. The PRD disappeared when it lost its registration. The PRI is a corporation that is increasingly discredited in the eyes of society, according to all the polls. The PAN is trying to return to its “original” proposals. In other words, the party does not exist in today’s world because it thinks in terms of an unreal past.

Several groups are proposing to form new parties. The National Civic Front is the most notable opposition movement, but it is not the only one. The movement of judges, magistrates, and ministers could create interesting presences and organizations. Their efforts are commendable, but there is still no clear idea of why they lost. There is AMLO, Morena, and its social assistance. But that only explains part of the defeat. Where were the crucial proposals that would have attracted the people to their side?

There are also signs of organization even within the ranks of Morena, the official party. There are increasingly louder voices of dissent.

Both Democrats in the United States and the range of opposition parties in Mexico face the challenge that, to win again, severe and painful self-criticism is necessary, without which there will be no return to power.

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