Opinions Worth Sharing

So close to God and so Far from the USA

Photo: Jonathan Borba on Pexels

Antonio Navalón

For two hundred years, when popular wisdom spoke of Mexico’s intrinsic and genetic misfortunes, people said, “poor Mexico, so close to the United States and so far from God”. Thanks to Andrés Manuel López, that has changed. He, a believer who speaks of a free adapted version of a Jesus Christ – I don’t know if the Third Vatican Council happened or not – has united us in his spiritual message. He has linked us in a way where the country, misfortunes, luck, and beliefs bring us closer to God and, according to him, fortunately, take us far away from the United States of America. We are good with God; we are wrong with our neighbors to the North. We don’t love them. We don’t need them. Never mind that they are our first partners. It doesn’t matter that they eat all our avocados, tomatoes, and other national products. It doesn’t matter the auto assembly lines.

Image: Nerthuz on iStock

The strength of the poor, placing in a privileged position those who can no longer give development to your country because their life is over – that is, the retired – and the young – whose life has not finished developing – will position us as a country that will have many issues to be solved. It will place us as a country that in the future, I do not know what its Gross Domestic Product will be, its main economic engines gone, and without knowing how many thousands of dollars will be necessary to get ahead. Although, of course, what I can assure you is that from this point on, every Mexican will be able to carry a guard with a heart of Jesus inside his wallet – the same place where he used to keep his pesos – and that now he is suffering for not having them.

Image: Arie Wubben on Unsplash

 Today, all of America has changed. North America, the America of the rich and powerful and the America that could change the world, is in crisis. Our America, the one that does not speak English, the America of Lula da Silva, the America of Alberto Fernandez, Daniel Ortega, Pedro Castillo, the America of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and, of course, the America of Nicolas Maduro, is still hungrier than it was ten years ago. Moreover, our America continues to accumulate failures; it continues to have a growing and deficient social and economic infrastructure incapable of providing material and internal happiness to its people. However, our part of the continent is historically correct. We have managed not to sell ourselves, to be sovereign, and that no one can tell us what to do or make decisions about our precariousness. Our hunger and crisis are ours, and we will not sacrifice or sell them for anything or anyone.

Photo: Bárbara Zandoval on Unsplash

Make a note of the date, today is the tenth of April, and one of the great problems accompanying history is that everything always happens on regular days. When the world ends, there will be no announcement or prior preparation. It will simply end because it is written in human behavior that the closer to the catastrophe, the stronger is the closing of eyes on the part of the people. No one is willing or able to see their destruction. One thing is that when this destruction begins, one can perceive it and the tools to denounce it, and another thing is that, once it is consummated, it is faced, and one can know that a moment has arrived in which from today on nothing will be the same.

Photo: Jo Kassis on Pexels

In Mexico, we have a Constitution with more than one hundred years of history. Well, do not bother to learn it. In any case, knowing it and understanding it is useless since it was rarely complied with. Although, of course, in recent times, pretending to comply with what the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States dictates means being a traitor to the country. I would instead advise you to get ready for the Constitution, the one we will make and which I do not know if it will be of the same size as the Constitution – which you are capable of carrying in your pocket – but, of course, it will be a Constitution that will emerge from the people. From a people that cannot even enslave the computing systems where the votes are collected.

Photo: Archivo General de la Nación on Wikipedia.org

In Mexico, we do not need referees. The goodness of the people is the referee. We do not need professionals; goodwill will save us. We do not know where we are going. The spectacle that on April 2nd, the Secretary of the Interior and the Commander of the National Guard gave in Torreon and Hermosillo will be from now on the norm. This gives no other image than the indissoluble union of the Mexican people with its armed forces. Moreover, a union that is not prostituted by money, laws, or order. It is a union consolidated only by the boundless love for the one who is the only leader, the Maximum Chief, our best interpreter of reality, and who, morning after morning, dictates the country’s course and boasts all the good things that Mexico has.

Photo: Reinforma.com.mx

I am not going to ask how many shoes the President has. Nor will I ask how many suits and ties he has, I believe, and I like to see that the national leader has the dignity that the presidential incarnation entails. I do know that, while he – not by taste, but by script obligations – has to wear a branded tie every day, he wants the rest of us to have the minimum and indispensable clothing, besides looking for a way to establish a pact with our hunger. And it has to be a regulated and accepted hunger for what Mexico can give you, not what you can earn. What you can achieve is no longer important, do not worry about trying anything; that is being aspirational. Just follow the course of your life and sign up and receive the daily gift that liberating Mexico has to give you.

Photo: Stas_V on iStock

America has hope. Mexico has a moral government, no aspirationals, no people who worship the material goods, and a leader who is sure that, at the end of the day, no regime – not the Russian, not the Chinese, not the American – will be able to bend us. Before that happens, we will turn and destroy the trees of the Mayan jungle and build the pillars on which the trains will pass and then undo them with the same impunity. We have reached a point where what matters is not the result but the intention. And our leader’s intent is not only to liberate us – which he has already accomplished, we are already free, and our needs no longer matter – but that we are capable of liberating the rest of America that does not speak English.

Image: Shared on Whatsapp

Stop wasting your time and stop trying to replicate what you were taught. Your parents were not wrong to send you to college, especially when there were not as many “ACME brand” colleges as this regime has built. What’s more, in this administration, what counts for degrees, is having studied in their universities, not what you have learned.

Image: ubbj.gob.mx

We have substituted effectiveness for will. And it is a will – which I repeat – capable of defeating any empire. And if our neighbors to the North are careless, they too will be rescued from the cancer of materialism and from being an aspirational people, without moral values and without knowing that the first thing to save in the nations is the poor. If, in addition, these poor people cannot give anything, so much the better, since in this way they will be in an unconditional situation of gratitude to the one who liberated them. In the sky, the faces of Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, and, of course – behind the first and best revolutionary that the world has ever had called Jesus of Nazareth – merge.

Chavez's legacy gains religious glow in Venezuela
Image: on the dailyherald.com

Today, I dare say that popular wisdom has changed. We are no longer so far from God; on the contrary, we are closer to Him than ever. However, it has been a long since we have been that far away from the United States of America.

Photo: Captainsecret on iStock
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