Image: Karen Iralas on PexelsRicardo Pascoe Pierce"We are never going to hand over power to fascists", Nicolás Maduro said for the umpteenth time. Surrounded by the officers of the electoral body that declared him the winner of the presidential...
Image: Cooperr007 on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceThe search for “eternity” has been a fundamental human aspiration deeply rooted in our history and culture. As Jorge Luis Borges once expressed, “Eternity frightens me”, a sentiment that resonates with many. Yet, all...
Photo: on TwitterRicardo Pascoe Pierce"The parliamentary republic, in its struggle against the oppositions, was forced to strengthen, along with repressive measures, the means and centralization of government power. All revolutions perfected this machine instead of destroying it". Marx, Karl....
Image: Anthony Krikoryan on ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceConservative nationalism is a worldwide trend today, although it is difficult to discern in all its intricacies. The conjunction of apparently alien forces has a strange common ideological component: it includes conservative nationalists...
Image: ALXR on ShutterstockAntonio NavalónAssuming that in the afterlife, there was freedom of expression and that the spirits could manifest themselves, Fidel Castro must surely be, on the one hand, enjoying himself but also suffering. The events in Ecuador...
Image: Francescoch on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceWhat does the left have to offer Mexico and the rest of Latin America? In Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, the question is quickly answered: it offers dictatorship and corruption. In Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Colombia,...