
Image: Lightspring on ShutterstockRicardo Pascoe PierceThe overrepresentation of Morena in Congress was consummated. In a few weeks, there will be at least a change of the Judicial Power and the elimination of the autonomous bodies. An electoral reform to...


The summary is as follows:The recent electoral victory has emboldened Mexico's President and his party, Morena, leading to actions that could undermine Dr. Sheinbaum's capital. Despite the win, Mexico faces significant economic and political challenges. Trust and stability are...


Photo: Lalo Hernández on UnsplashFederico Reyes HerolesFrenzied is perhaps the word: exalted, agitated, excited, hectic, mad... crazy, the Academy tells us. Frenzy is what sailors call a marvelous and cruel spectacle simultaneously. Some minor species in great abundance, perhaps...


Image: Peshkov on iStockRicardo Pascoe PierceMarcelo Ebrard has forgotten Karl Marx's basic premise: economic policy moves the world. Everything political is also economic. Historical materialism is based on that foundational premise. That is the ideological basis of his party.Image:...


Photo: on english.elpais.com Riccardo Pascoe PierceThe sudden extraction of Mayo Zambada from Mexico has triggered a crisis in the political transition led by AMLO. What was once a smooth and controlled process has now become a transition fraught with...


Image: Sumandak on ShutterstockLuis RubioAs the saying goes, after an intemperate night before comes the morning after. A less amiable way to observe the current government is to recall Louis XV when he stated, “Après moi le déluge.” Soon,...