Opinions Worth Sharing

Bob Dylan at the Independence Memorial

Photo: on X.com

Federico Reyes Heroles

“Come forward, everyone, from wherever you walk, and admit that the waters around us have risen.” THE JUDICIARY IS A NATIONAL COUNTERWEIGHT. A Sunday morning in the shelter of the Angel of Independence. Punctuality is unusual in these acts, and the speeches begin. Each has its own nuances, but the constants are the same: a truncated, uncertain future, a juridical aberration. The law brings them together. “And they admit that soon it will pierce them to the bone”. IF THE PEOPLE ARE INFORMED, THE REFORM WILL NOT PASS. Public and private schools, large and small, united as never before for a cause. WITHOUT COLOR, WITHOUT PARTY JUSTICE HAS BEEN IMPARTED. How many from there will want to be judges and make a judicial career? Hard to say. But many will deal with those dispensing justice.

Photo: ARMMY PICCA on iStock

Law is no longer just for men. Women are at all levels and on different fronts. NO ONE MANIPULATED US. Like the Pink Tide, they came proudly mounting their conviction, riding their anger, and giving free rein to their convictions. Minutes later, I looked at the miles of buses that poured into the Zócalo. WE ARE NOT PAID SUPPORTERS, WE ARE LAWYERS. The energy overflows, but the protocols are complied with. THE IMPARTIAL JUDGE IS A CAREER JUDGE. We, the elders, watch, we are guests, not protagonists. SIR, MADAM, DO NOT BE INDIFFERENT, MEXICO REQUIRES INDEPENDENT JUSTICE. A goya from the UNAM contingent, a batucada. Thousands of posters are hung on the chest and back or are to be raised and shared. “If you think your time is worth saving, you’d better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone. The times…”. But if in the 60s they proclaimed “imagination to power” or “asking for the impossible”, these young people are much more earthly: they defend the division of Powers and the professionalism of judges, magistrates, and justices. They defend the judicial career as a life option, as an education that goes beyond the title of lawyer. They assert their right to live in a world with that structure, the best that human beings have given themselves: to divide power, to specialize it, to professionalize it, that people’s rights -in all their range- are in the hands of professionals, beyond the fickle politics. “Come writers and critics who, with their pens, elaborate prophecies. Keep your eyes open; the opportunity will not come again. Don’t speak so soon because the wheel is still turning; you can’t tell who it will point to.”

Photo: Weston M on Unsplash

AND WHO ARE THOSE PEOPLE? WE ARE DEFENDERS OF THE CONSTITUTION. “Because the one who loses now will be the one who gains the most because times are changing”. CONSCIOUS CITIZENS JOIN THE CONTINGENT. “Come, senators and deputies, please hear the call. Do not stay at the door, and do not block the entrance. Because the one who has stopped will be the one who gets hurt.” WE ARE NOT OPPOSITIO; WEE SERVE THE NATION. But in Paris, Mexico, France, and the US, they fought to break schemes, to get out of a life pre-established in the bourgeois canons, and to expand freedoms. Not now; today, they fight to preserve their freedoms, which are those of any free citizen. “Outside there is a battle raging, soon it will shake your windows and shake your walls. Because the times are…” changing. MEXICO LISTEN, THIS IS YOUR FIGHT. “Come fathers and mothers from all over the country. And do not criticize what you cannot understand. Your sons and daughters are no longer at your disposal. The old way of yours is aging in haste.” If you cannot lend a hand, please step aside. For the times… “The line has already been drawn; the curse has already been cast. He who is slow now will later be fast. Just as the present now will later be the past.” JUDICIAL POWER UNITED, SHALL NEVER BE DEFEATED, could not be missed. HE WHO IS FIRST NOW SHALL THEN BE LAST. Because times… are changing.

We are losing democracy. The student factor entered the debate. Welcome.

Photo: on reforma.com

Thanks to Bob (Dylan) for his continued relevance.

Image: Spatuletail on Shutterstock

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