Geopolitics, Opinions Worth Sharing

The World Shall be Judged…

Photo: Pixabay on Pexels

Ricardo Pascoe Pierce

In the face of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, the world is living a decisive historical moment that will signal the port of call of our collective near future. Its response to the attack will define whether it will halt the destructive advance of the Russian brigades or face a protracted and extended war on the European continent and beyond.

Photo: Engin Akyurt on Pexels

The world faces the danger of a protracted and incredibly destructive war because of the threat of the potential for the use of nuclear weapons, both tactical and strategic, on the battlefield. Putin threatens the world, as Hitler did before him. They are leaders who notoriously make good on their threats because they are motivated by a conviction of their “historical right” to conquest and greatness. They conceive of their superiority in terms of military conquest and the destruction of the other, never in terms of building a prosperous and peaceful society.

Photo: Shujaa_777 on iStock

In 1939-40 the world was hesitant in the face of Hitler’s warlike actions when he annexed territories that, he claimed, historically belonged to Germany. The inaction of the West simply strengthened his appetite for conquering more and more territory until things escalated into a world war. Japan, Italy, and Germany shared the same view: territorial conquest of sovereign countries was their inalienable right for “historical” reasons.

Photo: Juan Jose Napuri on iStock

Winston Churchill was the only leader who said that it was essential to stop the advance of this idea of territorial conquest immediately, on pain of facing a horrific war. Sixty million dead later, Churchill was proved right.

Photo: Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash

Today Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons against those who oppose his plans of territorial conquest reverberate in memory, recalling Hitler as if it were yesterday. He believes he has the right to conquer independent and sovereign countries, claiming a historical heavenly gracious concession. It has created an internal dictatorship in Russia, crushing and annihilating all possible opposition to its warmongering intentions. And it has a propaganda apparatus that Goebbels would envy, no doubt.

Photo: Mika on Unsplash

But, what about the rest of the world?

Indecision is the mother of failure and fear the father of the apocalypse. While the European Union has rejoined in the face of the Russian threat, indecision and fear seem to prevail in Russia’s daily bombardment of the Ukrainian population. It is as if the attack on Guernica is repeating. Today, who will portray that canvas where thousands die before the violent and implacable advance of a dictatorial model of government?

Photo: Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Today’s humanity will be judged by its decisions in these difficult hours. There is the option to stop the military conquering advance of the Russian-Chinese authoritarian bloc now or let it pass and confront it at a “better time” when the weapons will speak with a much greater destructive fury, involving the whole world.

Image: Oleksii Liskonih on iStock

Despite its ostrich foreign policy, Mexico will also be dragged into the conflict.

Image: JGroup on iStock

The whole world is living a “Winston Churchill moment”. We will see if we have learned anything from history or are doomed to make the same mistakes as our ancestors. And, therefore, to relive the same tragedies.

Photo: Kseniya Buraya on Pexels

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