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Understanding the Rise of Crime Under López Obrador.

Image: Bismarck Analysis on reddit.com

Pablo Hiriart

Mexico’s point of stillness, impossible to reverse without blood and tears, was when López Obrador handed over control of large areas of the country to the narcos in exchange for votes.

The crime committed by President López Obrador against Mexico was to have handed over part of the national territory to the drug cartels.

Image: on mexicoevalua.org

The 120,463 intentional homicides that occurred during President Calderón’s six-year term took place in the context of the fight against the big cartels to take away their control of the regions of the country. That is why he handed over the tricolor sash with a pronounced downward trend in crime.

But the quarter of a million people murdered and disappeared during AMLO’s government occurred in a context of state withdrawal and the transfer of territorial control, including its population, to criminal groups.

Photo: Pablo Merchán Montes for Unsplash+

President López Obrador deliberately empowered the narcos, ordered not to fight them and handed over the bloody trail of 201,142 murders and 51,703 disappearances, with crime on the rise, large regions of the country under the command of the cartels because the State abdicated.

The extermination and training camps of the drug trafficking militias that horrify us today are the responsibility of López Obrador, who, with hugs and concessions, made them his compadres, political allies, and protected them with the daily discourse of not using force against them.

Carrtoon: by Calderón on Reforma, on facebook.com

Mexico’s breaking point, impossible to reverse without blood and tears, was there: when López Obrador handed over control of large areas of the country to the narcos in exchange for votes, political support and who knows what else.

The population of Germany consumes, buys and sells more drugs than in Mexico, but you can walk anywhere, at any time of night, and children play in parks without fear, because there is no “Bavarian cartel” or “Brandenburg cartel” controlling the territory.

Photo: Getty Images on economist.com

Territorial control by a force outside the state can only occur through complicity with the political power. Therein lies López Obrador’s great crime, for which he should be held accountable.

He protected criminal groups despite having knowledge of the location of the extermination camps where the victims were stripped of their clothes, their dignity and their lives.

Photo: Fiscalía de Jalisco via Reuters on france24.com

He looked after the criminals as they recruited human beings to teach them to kill, to force them to kill, and to advance in the territorial control of the nation.

He reprimanded the media that showed videos of drug cartels’ militias entering Chiapas villages victoriously.

Mexicans from the southern border fled to take refuge in Guatemala, while AMLO affirmed from the village of El Chapo Guzmán and his family (La Tuna) in the Badiraguato mountains that “they (the narcos and their hitmen) take care of us”. And that they also “take care of the people”.

Image: on Wikipedia.org

The president went to shake hands with the mother of the Sinaloa Cartel kingpin, while closing the doors of the National Palace to the mothers searching for the disappeared in the Mexican Auschwitz.

If there is any responsibility in the running of the State, López Obrador should be put on trial to draw a line under the alliance between politics and organized crime. The mothers of the disappeared, who were accused by AMLO of engaging in politicking when they asked for his help in finding their children, should be called as witnesses, one by one.

Photo: German Canseco on proceso.com.mx

Only in this way will it never again occur to a leader of the nation to encourage, with his discourse of protective sympathy, the homicidal destruction that horrifies us today.

Much less hand over Mexican territory to the cartels and deceive the country and the United States with the story that in Mexico “fentanyl is not produced”.

Image: on brookings.edu

Society’s adversary is now stronger and has penetrated politics extensively, because it was empowered by a president of the Republic.

The presidential protection of the drug cartels, extortion and narco-politics has turned Mexico into a macabre showcase of death camps.

Will the president who treated the perpetrators of the Mexican Auschwitz with hugs, personal involvement in their social gatherings and the sending of governors as a reward for his fine criminals go unpunished?

López Obrador cannot claim that he did not know about the existence of the extermination camps because he saw them and played them down.

Such was the case of the discovery in La Bartolina, near Matamoros, where in 2021 mothers searching for missing relatives found 500 kilos of human remains in a Los Zetas clandestine cemetery .

Screenshot: on YouTube

La Bartolina was just one of nine large extermination camps found in the northeast of the country. The lack of action to subdue the criminal groups was deliberate and explicit:

“Hugs, not bullets“ (to the capos and their hitmen).

“They are human beings who deserve respect” (the perpetrators of the Mexican Auschwitz).

Photo: on mexiconewsdaily.com

“Those involved in organized crime behaved well” (after the elections in which there was armed intervention by the narcos to facilitate, with mass kidnappings, the triumph of the Morena candidates – the Rocha Moya case in Sinaloa–).

I ask: will the political culprit of this atrocity continue to be treated with a silk glove or will he be judged for his criminal responsibility?

Photo: EFE/Presidencia de México on forbes.com.mx

The first concentration camp was opened in Dachau, near Munich, in 1933, when the Nazis had only been in power for a few months.

Most Germans and European leaders did not react to what this meant.

The consequence of permissiveness towards the inadmissible was the proliferation of barbarism. And when they tried to rein in the monster, the result was 60 million deaths.

Photo: Duncan Kidd on Unsplash

How many Mexican lives will it cost to recover the sovereignty that López Obrador ceded to criminal groups?

Photo: Getty Images for Unsplash+

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