Opinions Worth Sharing

Manuel Suarez Mier, One Year.

Photo: Facebook

  Today, we mourn the early passing one year ago of Manuel Suárez Mier, one of our founding contributors, and miss his weekly columns full of wit, acute criticism, and scholarly accuracy. His generosity included sharing his thoughts, rigorous economic and political analysis, and vast knowledge of economic and political history, and he always did it gracefully.

Manuel’s generosity with Sepgra began early in the short life of its existence. While reading one of his columns published in The Asia Times, it was impossible not to ask his permission to reproduce it here. His response was, “by all means, not only this column but any other material already published that is suitable for your subscribers”. Then he began sharing his columns ahead of their publication in Spanish and the same day for those in English for The Asia Times.

His columns were widely read and appreciated for his insightful comments on politics and economics. His perspective from a privileged balcony allowed him to anticipate forthcoming events which combined with his sophisticated analysis and erudition, produced chronicles of events past or about to happen, which would enrich the understanding of relevant affairs affecting our lives.

Each of his sixty-five columns published by Sepgra is worth re-reading. From his severe criticisms of Donald Trump’s behavior as president to the series on the “Mexican Demolition Derby”. The titles of his columns were very creative: Incompetence and Dogma Pose Deadly Threats, The Tacky Evildoer is Kicked out of the White House, “Give them Spoons instead of Shovels.” The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse lose in Mexico, The Lie in Political Discourse, The Cuckoos Are on the Loose, Mexico’s Demolition Derby: Two years of government incompetence, Lies, Damned Lies, and Trump, The Wacky Spending in the United States., The Aftermath of the Polko* Seade, Mexico’s President, AMLO, Breaks all the Laws, Racism in the United States, The Art of the Political Storyteller, The Prostituted Presidency*, Lobbying in Washington*, The Critical Race Theory, How to Annihilate Autocrats*, National Security VS. The Rule of Law.*, Political parties in the United States., The Cult of Personality*., Monetary Schizophrenia*, Russia Interferes Everywhere*, How Mexico Became a Failed State*, Lobbying and Uncertainty in the US*, Another post-pandemic economic crisis?, Expenditure, Debt, and Inflation, Biden’s Economic Rescue Plan, Why is the US Electoral System so Complex?, Failed Coup in the United States, The US Senate must convict Trump., The Extremes Become Twins.

We invite our readers to click on the links above, or to use the search tool on the top right, to enjoy Manuel’s thoughts on so many subjects.