Mexico, Opinions Worth Sharing

A Suspicious Parade

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Riccardo Pascoe Pierce

AMLO invited the countries closest to his heart to the September 16, 2023, military parade. All are ruled by dictatorships: Russia, China, Cuba and Nicaragua. Instead of being a parade commemorating a heroic deed in our national life, the president transformed the parade into a grotesque masquerade in praise of the most unpresentable dictatorships in the world.

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Russia boasts of its twinning with Mexico. The embassy of that country said, in a communiqué, that “The Mexican people (sic) have clearly defined their national interests…All these values and aspirations unite Russia and Mexico”. The clear implication is that the “Mexican people” support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And as long as the Mexican government does not deny such an assertion, it will remain a settled and confirmed truth.

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The Ukrainian embassy in Mexico protested the presence of Russian troops in Mexican territory. And it is a good time to recall the statement made by the head of the US Northern Command, General Glen Van Herck, to the effect that the Russian military espionage agency, the GRU, has more intelligence officers deployed in Mexican territory than in any other country in the world.

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The presence of Russian troops in Mexico comes three days after the recognition of the Niños Héroes for their sacrifice in the face of the illegal U.S. invasion of our country and its annexation of large Mexican territories. What the United States did to us in 1848 is being done in real-time by Russia against Ukraine. But in a perverse interpretation of our national history, López Obrador supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its attempt to annex that country to its territorial domain illegally.

Image: IherPhoto on iStock

Mexico is caught in its own hypocrisy: it condemns the U.S. invasion of Mexico but praises the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As always, the double standard of this government plays.

Image: Mykhailo Savchuk on Shutterstock

China is another dictatorship that actively supports the Russian war against Ukraine. Recently, Cuba, a civil-military dictatorship, has sent mercenaries to fight against Ukraine, adopting the semi-official Russian Wagner Group mercenary model to its Caribbean conditions. Nicaragua, which hosts one of the most kleptocratic dictatorships in the world, has adapted its ports in the Caribbean Sea to receive Russian ships and experts in its country.

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What is happening with Mexico’s foreign policy? How has it become biased towards the bloodiest dictatorships in Latin America and the world, despising nations governed by democratic norms?

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It is inevitable to conclude that Lopez Obrador dreams of leading Mexico to replicate the political model of those countries. How do we explain our hatred of nearby U.S. imperialism while worshipping distant Russian imperialism? What explains this unusual “internationalist turn” of López Obrador is his desire to remain in power when he himself perceives that this aspiration is in danger due to his loss of consensus at the national level. One option he contemplates is adopting the forms of government of those dictatorships in Mexico to remain in power indefinitely. This occurs when he perceives the real possibility that his presidential candidate may fail in her attempt to win the election. In contrast, the most successful opposition candidate grows in her chances of victory.

Photo: Freedom Master on iStock

Is the presence of Russian spies and troops in national territory and operatives and soldiers from China, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua suspicious? Was it just for the occasion of the parade? Is AMLO not hatching a plan to prolong his stay in power, relying on operatives and troops from those nations? Does it sound far-fetched? All those countries have a lot of experience in strengthening Latin American totalitarian regimes.

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It has been said many times that AMLO will try whatever it takes to stay in power. By hook or by crook. I subscribe to that.

Photo: Sefa Ozel on iStock

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